The King is Coming to Visit!!
It is amazing, astounding, incomprehensible, astonishing. The King of Glory is visiting Nakuru Town. It is now in the open. This is the real breaking news. We have thirsted for His holy presence and He heard our cry. He has sent His rain cloud in advance. I saw it with my own eyes two days in a row but never knew what it meant.It must mean only one thing: Prepare to meet your God!! [Amos 4:12 ]. See for yourself the video and the picture below:
21st May 2013 at 8:am next to Afraha Stadium Nakuru
Is it the whirlwind of the God of Israel?
And if you think it was a coincidence, have a look at the video from the day before showing the Northwest sky from Nakuru:
Then we ask: Are you ready for the Messiah? Are you ready to meet with your God? Is this not the that hour when "you do not expect Him" [Matthew 24:44 ] - that very hour when He will come.
Welcome to Nakuru on 9th, 10th and 11th August 2013. This is going to be the most massive meeting on earth. Because this is the town where Isaiah 19:19 was fulfilled in 2009, who knows what the Lord will do this time. Don't dare to miss. Make your plans now and come to Nakuru in August. The Lord bless you mightily.